Machine Learning for Medical Imaging

Speaker: Rob Nowak (Electrical and Computer Engineering, UW-Madison)

Seminar Title: Machine Learning for Medical Imaging

Date: February 15

Time: 4pm-5pm

Location: SMPH/HSLC Room 1325

Abstract:  This talk will give an overview of Machine Learning (ML) and discuss some of its applications in medical imaging. One aim is to draw connections between classical methods such as linear regression and principal components analysis and modern tools including sparse modeling and deep learning. I will present some of our recent work using ML for fMRI analysis. I will also discuss emerging deep learning methods and their strengths and limitations. The talk will conclude with a discussion of open problems in ML that are particularly relevant in medical imaging.

Speaker Bio: Rob Nowak is the McFarland-Bascom Professor in Engineering at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, where his research focuses on signal processing, machine learning, optimization, and statistics.

Speaker URL:

Recorded Lectures (Radiology Intranet): Mp4 Lecture