The purpose of this pilot grant program is to foster interdisciplinary collaboration between ML experts and medical imaging clinicians and researchers at the University of Wisconsin’s Departments of Radiology and Medical Physics, and College of Engineering. Specific topics of interest include the development and characterization of novel ML methods with significant medical imaging applications, and the development and validation of new imaging applications for state-of-the-art ML methods. In 2018, pilot grants were awarded to the following collaborative teams: – Kevin Johnson, Alejandro Roldan, and Shiva Rudraraju, “Patient specific hemodynamics using machine learning based fusion of MRI measurements and computational fluid dynamics” – Varun Jog and Alan McMillan, “DeepRad: An accessible, open-source tool for deep learning in medical imaging” In 2019, pilot grants were awarded to the following collaborative teams: – Sean Fain and Victor Zavala, “Blending Expert and Machine Learning Using Quantitative Chest CT and Clinical Biomarkers to Predict Asthma Severity and Outcomes” – Meghan Lubner, Varun Jog, and Dane Morgan, “Application of Machine Learning to CT characterization of Renal Cell Carcinoma”
This RFA seeks to fund proposals that are likely to spark enduring collaborations and lead to external funding for further research. Pilot awards are $50,000 maximum in direct costs for 12 months of support. Potential applicants are encouraged to contact Diego Hernando ( with questions about programmatic relevance.
DOWNLOAD THE 2019 RFA (now closed)
For any administrative questions, please contact:
- SMPH/Radiology contact: TBD
- CoE/GIE contact: Page Metcalf (